Saturday, October 20, 2012

Let It All Flow

"Going against the grain may result in not producing the desired effect."~ From a can of floor sealer

This week for me was a lesson in going with the flow and going with the grain to achieve my desired effect in my life.  I heard stories for loved ones about how they received messages from the universe to take a turn in their lives, not to fight what they were hearing but to go with the flow.  The results, for them, so far have been amazing.   Sometimes fight up stream to get what we want or to get to a new place in our lives isn't going to get us there.  To flow with the stream, whatever it maybe, and to rejoice in the moment at where we are allows us to know if we are on our path and helps us produce the desired effect in our lives.
Now I'm not saying to not stand up for what is right or to not think outside the box.  I'm saying listen to what you are hearing around you, in your heart and soul, and don't fight with what you are hearing.  Beiug in the flow or going with the grain for whatever it is in your life with produce the desire effect with ease.

Until next week...create to feel great.

51 projects complete!  1 more to go! 

This week I tried my hand at painting watercolor cards.    I took lessons off internet sites.

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